Did you know...
- Leaving the lights on overnight in a typical office wastes enough engery to make... 6000 cups of coffee
- When a device is left on standby, it is still using energy - this is know as vampire power
- Switching off your computer overnight for a year can save £35 per desk and enough CO2 to fill a double decker bus
Handy energy saving tips
- Turn off appliances instead of putting them on standby
- Make use of natural light and ventilation where possible and appropriate
- Unplug devices when fully charged and chargers when not in use
- Ensure regular equipment maintenance
- Choose energy efficient devices
- Remember to switch off non-essential devices and light when not in use

Reducing energy consumption helps to decrease our carbon footprint. Small actions can make a big difference on our journey to net carbon zero!
Active changes we are making
At CHFT we are making active changes to reduce our carbon footprint.
- 100% of our engery is procured from renewable tariffs
- We have replaced existing lights at HRI with more efficient LED fittings
- We have recently receieved funding towards our long term heat decarbonisation plan